-when you wake up and it's minus 8 and you're congested
-when you get to work, your computer refuses to let you sign in, so you reboot
-when you sign into your computer, it refuses to let you open any programs, so you reboot
-when you finally get into your programs, IE8 refuses to open, so you reboot
-when everything FINALLY works and you’re in the middle of invoices, the power goes off on your side of the office
-when your computer shuts down because it has no battery life, so you reboot
-when you flip the breaker to put the power back on, you hit the wrong button and the other side of the office loses power…and they have to reboot
-when you call your building manager to get some help with the breaker, his maintenance guy is going to take 30 mins, and your headache gets worse
-when you finally get set up in a different room, the maintenance guy fixes the power, you have to move back to your desk and your computer dies in the transfer, so you have to reboot
-when, after all this, it starts to snow...
Wednesday, December 09, 2009
Friday, November 20, 2009
Dear Mr. President

David H. Turpin, President
Office of the President
University of Victoria
Administrative Services Building
Office of the President
University of Victoria
Administrative Services Building
Room A220
3800 Finnerty Road (Ring Road)
Victoria BC V8P 5C2
Dear Mr. Turpin,
This letter is to express my concern about the health risk present at the University of Victoria (Uvic) through the harmful inhalation of second hand smoke. A current Uvic student myself, I believe the University of Victoria should consider becoming a smoke-free campus.
Students, employees and employers present at Uvic should not be exposed to cancer-causing substances. According to Canadian Cancer Statistics, “an estimated 171, 000 new cases of cancer and 75, 300 deaths from cancer will occur in Canada in 2009.” It is my belief that students have the right to pursue their education in a smoke-free environment and employees and employers have the right to attend to their jobs without having to worry about the health risks of second-hand smoke.
If Uvic took the initiative to become a smoke-free campus, it would also support those students’ who want to quit and have always struggled with it. I would suggest that Uvic first initiate a smoking cessation program on campus. This program could assist those who do smoke with quitting and help them, and others, warm up to the idea that Uvic will no longer support their habit.
I believe a lot more people would choose to enroll at the University of Victoria if it were a smoke-free campus. I know I would prefer it if the remainder of my educational experience at Uvic was without the disturbance of cigarette smoke. For my health, yours and the health of others, please take my suggestion into consideration.
Samantha Wood, BA
3800 Finnerty Road (Ring Road)
Victoria BC V8P 5C2
Dear Mr. Turpin,
This letter is to express my concern about the health risk present at the University of Victoria (Uvic) through the harmful inhalation of second hand smoke. A current Uvic student myself, I believe the University of Victoria should consider becoming a smoke-free campus.
Students, employees and employers present at Uvic should not be exposed to cancer-causing substances. According to Canadian Cancer Statistics, “an estimated 171, 000 new cases of cancer and 75, 300 deaths from cancer will occur in Canada in 2009.” It is my belief that students have the right to pursue their education in a smoke-free environment and employees and employers have the right to attend to their jobs without having to worry about the health risks of second-hand smoke.
If Uvic took the initiative to become a smoke-free campus, it would also support those students’ who want to quit and have always struggled with it. I would suggest that Uvic first initiate a smoking cessation program on campus. This program could assist those who do smoke with quitting and help them, and others, warm up to the idea that Uvic will no longer support their habit.
I believe a lot more people would choose to enroll at the University of Victoria if it were a smoke-free campus. I know I would prefer it if the remainder of my educational experience at Uvic was without the disturbance of cigarette smoke. For my health, yours and the health of others, please take my suggestion into consideration.
Samantha Wood, BA
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Where are all the Canadians?
I am very blessed to live in the country of Canada. We have running water, paved streets, crime is relatively low and we are not ruled by a dictatorship. I can appreciate these aspects because I have travelled quite a bit and I’ve seen how it is in other countries.
At the Central Train Station in Paris, the guards walk around with guns. I was a wide-eyed nineteen year-old at the time I witnessed that. What country needed guards with guns? Only a month later I was confronted by an angry guard on a train, demanding to see my passport and as he leaned past me to check the other passengers, his gun was within inches of my face. I was terrified. However, I had no reason to be. Although he spoke little English (I was in Hungary), the guard smiled nicely at me and said, “Canadian.” It was a statement, not a question. More than a statement, it was a respected recognition. Yes, many, many times I have been thankful that I am Canadian (especially since they threw a guy in the next car off the train and we were in the middle of nowhere).
Being recognized as a Canadian comes with certain expectations and assumptions…one being that we are very polite, laid-back people. I wish I could say this was true. More and more these days I am seeing anger, indifference and just plain rudeness. People no longer pause to consider anyone but themselves.
In rush hour I have to be very aware, as people are not afraid to cut you off, cut in line or run red lights. Everyone is in such a hurry these days that speed limits are never obeyed and pedestrians are cut-off at the cross-walk. I am not a perfect driver, yes I have been guilty of speeding, but in the past year I haven’t. I realized that I am not in a hurry to get through a day in this life, nor do I wish to end it for anyone else.
Rudeness transcends into sanitary issues. I have trained myself to automatically hold my breath when I walk by people. Yes, people. Not just smokers. I’m terribly afraid someone will cough, sneeze, spit or blow smoke in my general direction. This never used to be a problem, but nowadays people never cover their mouths or turn away from the general public. It’s disgusting. And we blame pigs for the swine flu? Who are the real pigs?
When I was a kid, people said hi to one another on the streets-whether they knew that person or not. Doors were held open as you went in and out of stores. People actually acknowledged one another by making eye contact, instead of looking down at their phone or iPod. As a human race, we are being consumed by another race-technology. We are no longer the dominant species. But I don’t blame technology for our lack of manners. I’m not sure what to blame, maybe we just have to blame ourselves. Is it just me who notices this change, am I too expectant for us to live up to our reputation?
Canada is a country that has built up this identity of being polite. But as I live each day among the general public, I can’t help but wonder, where are all the Canadians?
At the Central Train Station in Paris, the guards walk around with guns. I was a wide-eyed nineteen year-old at the time I witnessed that. What country needed guards with guns? Only a month later I was confronted by an angry guard on a train, demanding to see my passport and as he leaned past me to check the other passengers, his gun was within inches of my face. I was terrified. However, I had no reason to be. Although he spoke little English (I was in Hungary), the guard smiled nicely at me and said, “Canadian.” It was a statement, not a question. More than a statement, it was a respected recognition. Yes, many, many times I have been thankful that I am Canadian (especially since they threw a guy in the next car off the train and we were in the middle of nowhere).
Being recognized as a Canadian comes with certain expectations and assumptions…one being that we are very polite, laid-back people. I wish I could say this was true. More and more these days I am seeing anger, indifference and just plain rudeness. People no longer pause to consider anyone but themselves.
In rush hour I have to be very aware, as people are not afraid to cut you off, cut in line or run red lights. Everyone is in such a hurry these days that speed limits are never obeyed and pedestrians are cut-off at the cross-walk. I am not a perfect driver, yes I have been guilty of speeding, but in the past year I haven’t. I realized that I am not in a hurry to get through a day in this life, nor do I wish to end it for anyone else.
Rudeness transcends into sanitary issues. I have trained myself to automatically hold my breath when I walk by people. Yes, people. Not just smokers. I’m terribly afraid someone will cough, sneeze, spit or blow smoke in my general direction. This never used to be a problem, but nowadays people never cover their mouths or turn away from the general public. It’s disgusting. And we blame pigs for the swine flu? Who are the real pigs?
When I was a kid, people said hi to one another on the streets-whether they knew that person or not. Doors were held open as you went in and out of stores. People actually acknowledged one another by making eye contact, instead of looking down at their phone or iPod. As a human race, we are being consumed by another race-technology. We are no longer the dominant species. But I don’t blame technology for our lack of manners. I’m not sure what to blame, maybe we just have to blame ourselves. Is it just me who notices this change, am I too expectant for us to live up to our reputation?
Canada is a country that has built up this identity of being polite. But as I live each day among the general public, I can’t help but wonder, where are all the Canadians?
Thursday, October 22, 2009

Anyway, back to the half marathon. Janice and I both decided that we were just going to run to finish and not care about our times. We were thinking positive about it and came the morning of we were both excited. I actually slept the night before and had a breakfast of scrambled eggs and a banana. Didnt help much, I was hungry at the 5k mark. Anyway, we drove downtown in the dark and got there just in time. Seriously. We just found the start line, we had time to pee and then just as we began to stretch the gun went off! ha ha, so we just started to run.
The night before we went to Walmart and bought some cheap gloves, which I ditched at the first water station, my hands were boiling! The weather was so much nicer this year than last year, it was super gorgeous. There were so many people, but after the first couple of mins, we had spread out and I had lots of room, no crowding problems at all. I lost Janice in front of the Empress, but kept a good pace. I actually had to slow myself down because I was clocking 5'15 and I didnt want to tire out early, so I pulled back and tried to keep even
with 6'00. I ran the whole thing, only stopping to consume water or gatorade at the stations. I usually do not like gatorade, but let me tell you, that morning it was like liquid gold! The route went through downtown Victoria, through Beacon Hill Park, down Dallas Road and into Fairfield for the turnaround point. I have to say that going into Fairfield was the hardest part of the run. I was running out of energy and it felt like there was never going to be a turnaround point, we just kept going around corner after corner. Luckily I finally reached it and they were handing out powergels. I hate them but I needed the energy so badly. I randomly took one I was handed and of course I got the worst flavour ever-double latte. I swallowed almost all of it and washed it down with gatorade. The taste was horrid but it did the trick, I had enough energy to finish the race. Janice made me laugh, I passed her shortly after the food station (she was coming at me in the opposite direction), but she was focused and didnt see me. After the food station there was a group of people handing out shots of beer. This made me want to vomit, I think it was 8:30am at this point (the race started at 7:30am), so gross. Janice, the Creuzot that she is, did the shot of beer and kept on running! That's my girl, lol. Running along the water was the best part (see first image of Dallas Road), the sun was shining and the crowds were fantastic, I'm very thankful for their support. The sun was shining, there was a nice breeze, it was great.

My time was 2 hours and 21 mins and Janice finished with a time of 2 hours and 53 mins. We rocked!
I'd like to say congrats to my friend Matt who won the 8k race with a time of 24:52. Way to go Matt!
Friday, September 25, 2009
Is it Friday yet?
Oh man, I can't wait for Friday! Massage therapy hurt last week, but it did wonders for my shoulder. I ran 12k Friday night and it was an easy run, no struggle. I actually only planned to run 6k, but I felt good so decided to push it another 6k and itwas a fantastic run. It was starting to get dark by the time I got back, so I really have to watch the time. I would hate to be stuck running on the Galloping Goose in the dark. That is dangerous. This Friday night I'm going to try and run 14k, but at the Uvic track. It's lit and I find it easier to do long runs on it because I get caught up running in circles and I lose count and just focus on running-its great. I had another massage therapy session yesterday-she's pretty tough. I know why they call it 'therapy' now, it certainly wasnt a relaxing massage, but the scalp massage at the end almost made the pain worth it-almost. I'm going to try someone else next time, it shouldnt be that painful. I miss Monique, she was amazing.
School is starting to get hectic and I've taken on another job tutoring ESL 3x a week. My days are long, I dont get home until 7pm most nights, but its nice to have the extra cash. This weekend I have so much homework to do, I kind of wish it would rain so that I don't want to go outside. But of course its gorgeous.
Janice has fallen off the wagon. She never ran at all last week, ran 10k this week but she is up and down. One minute she thinks she can do it, the next she thinks she cant. I dont blame here there, I feel the same. I've only ran once so far this week, I just dont have time and its dark so early and I'm always exhausted. Its school-work-tutoring-homework-sleep. But I dont even sleep much these days, I'm struggling with shutting down the thinking process at night. Mr. Gray told me to listen to my audiobooks, so I tried that last night and it did help. Oh well, 3 more weeks and this stupid half marathon is OVER!
School is starting to get hectic and I've taken on another job tutoring ESL 3x a week. My days are long, I dont get home until 7pm most nights, but its nice to have the extra cash. This weekend I have so much homework to do, I kind of wish it would rain so that I don't want to go outside. But of course its gorgeous.
Janice has fallen off the wagon. She never ran at all last week, ran 10k this week but she is up and down. One minute she thinks she can do it, the next she thinks she cant. I dont blame here there, I feel the same. I've only ran once so far this week, I just dont have time and its dark so early and I'm always exhausted. Its school-work-tutoring-homework-sleep. But I dont even sleep much these days, I'm struggling with shutting down the thinking process at night. Mr. Gray told me to listen to my audiobooks, so I tried that last night and it did help. Oh well, 3 more weeks and this stupid half marathon is OVER!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Running pains
I am still running, but I'm not doing a great job at this half-marathon training. I only ran a total of 16k last week. I ran a 6k and a 10k and both went really well. Unfortunately I've had a lot of shoulder pain and when I reach 7k its unbearable and I nearly died finishing my 10k. My neck actually fizzed for the last 3k and I had to take two advil and lie on the floor for an hour before I could move after that run. I have ran two 6k's this week and they went well, but at 6k my shoulder starts to feel as though its carrying bricks, so painful I can barely stand it! I have booked a massage therapy appointment and I'm hoping right after I will be relaxed enough to run 12k with no pain. Next week I need to do a long run of 14k and then 16k the following week and so on. I only have 3.5 weeks left to train, so I have to keep at it. I figure if I can run a 16k comfortably, then I can push it for the last 5k. This is my hope.
Janice has totally surprised me. She is actually kicking my ass at her training. But I'm afraid she is doing too much too soon, she ran 17k one day after not much training and I'm worried she is going to injure herself, she does have a history of knee problems. Still, I'm really proud she ran 17k and she is kicking my ass with the running, which has pushed me to be more dedicated to my runs. However, we have both decided never to run a half-marathon again. Just 8k and 10ks on a regular basis, something that is challenging enough to keep us running, but not too much to make us want to quit (like I'm kind of feeling now...).
Janice has totally surprised me. She is actually kicking my ass at her training. But I'm afraid she is doing too much too soon, she ran 17k one day after not much training and I'm worried she is going to injure herself, she does have a history of knee problems. Still, I'm really proud she ran 17k and she is kicking my ass with the running, which has pushed me to be more dedicated to my runs. However, we have both decided never to run a half-marathon again. Just 8k and 10ks on a regular basis, something that is challenging enough to keep us running, but not too much to make us want to quit (like I'm kind of feeling now...).
Friday, August 28, 2009
The Wedding

Tomorrow I'm attending a wedding, no wait, I'm in the wedding, lol. I am a bridesmaid for the first time and really, it brings little responsibility. I have to give a toast to the groomsmen, no biggie. I am doing the bride's nails and helping the flower girls get ready. It's a small backyard wedding, so it's not a stressful event. My cousin Meg is coming over from the mainland, and we get along really well, so I'm more excited about that, lol. I hope the weather holds out.

I suppose the wedding will be our last enjoyment of the summer, next week fall begins, along with school. So goodbye summer, see you next year, in the meantime...bring on the fall fashion!
Wednesday, July 29, 2009

I finished my first two summer courses, I really enjoyed them. I started my new courses today and, luckily, most of my friends from my first two classes are also in this one. The prof only kept us an hour today because he thinks its ridiculous that we dont have a break between courses. I completely agree.
No, I haven't ran in over 2 weeks. Between the heat, my insomnia and school, I haven't had the time or energy to do so. I will have to kick back into gear next week as it will signify the start of my two month countdown to my half marathon. I think Shannon has backed out, but it's not official yet. Janice is still gun-ho. We'll see what happens.
I'd like to send a shout out to my dear friend (and faithful blogger) Wayne on his recent marriage. Congrats!
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Crazy weekend

For the first time in almost two weeks I went for a run Sat night just before nine. It was the perfect temp and I decided to shoot for 6km. I ended up running 7km and I maintained a really excellent pace. I wasn’t winded or sore and the next day I felt fine. I guess taking two weeks off didn’t really affect me. I have learned that when I’m not in the mood to run-then I don’t. It’s just not worth it because in the end it will be a shitty run. Your heart has to be in it. I ran again Sunday night around 8pm (after finishing an essay that took me most of the day to create). I ran 9km and my pace was 5:47, which is fairly decent for me. I’m trying to stay under 6mins and I’m slowly but surely getting there. I actually run a 4:47 pace for all but two km’s, but I stopped at one point, so that kills the overall time.
The most interesting part of my weekend was the at-home-surgery I performed on my po
or cat. Riley got into a fight Saturday morning and by Sunday it was obvious he had an abscess because his forehead was beginning to swell. I felt bad but I just couldn’t afford a huge vet bill. So I opened the abscess myself (gross, but manageable) and disinfected it the best I could. Riley was extremely patient, he didn’t move a muscle but he did cry a few times, my poor babe. Anyway, I kept re-opening it throughout the day and he looked much better by Sunday evening. However, my maternal instincts were in panic mode and when I came home sick on Monday afternoon, he was acting lethargic. I panicked and took him to the vet, who said he was lucky the abscess had opened on its own (like hell I would admit I did it-I’m sure there is a ‘kitty abuse ministry’ out there somewhere). Anyway, she gave him antibiotics and we escaped surgery. I really should have held on, he would have been fine otherwise but it’s a small price to pay for relief. I slept well last night. I’m not sure Riley did, they partly shaved his head to clean the wound and he looks so funny, I can’t help but laugh at him. Can they not at least to attempt to shave him evenly? One part comes down over the eye, looks so funny. Needless to say he won’t leave the house for a few days.

*There is a $1,000 (return) seat sale to Sydney right now so I've included a picture of the Sydney Opera House and Bridge (as viewed from the Royal Botanical Gardens).
Sunday, July 05, 2009
Summer Holidays
I went swimming even though the water was quite cold. It was so hot that it was refreshing to get in...and then get out a short while later. Mom and I did get out in the kayaks and it was fun as I've never been kayaking in this lake before (just the ocean). We saw a ton of fish and it was (of course), beautiful out. I found that kayaking kills my back, I just couldnt do it again the next day, I was in too much pain.
We went boating of course, but no wakeboarding because I dont have a wetsuit and the water is still fairly cold. It's usually 21, 22 degrees when I wakeboard and at this time of year, its only 17-18 degrees, much too cold to sit in the water that long. It wouldnt be much fun. Hopefully I get another chance to wakeboard later this summer.
So I'm back to school tomorrow...I feel too old to be going back to school. I'm nervous and excited at the same time. I know it will be just fine, I just have to get back into the groove.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Sean's Visit
Sean showed up at 1:30 and I took him to the office, Uvic and then the scenic dr
ive, as he really hasn't seen much of Victoria. We ended up at the breakwater, where Pete, Kristi and Jamie joined us. We had a nice visit with them on the walk and then went to Starbucks for some tea and more chat. Of course I took him to see the family in Langford and the girls played shy for about 5 mins and then decided they loved him. It was pretty cute. We didnt get up to too much, we rented 'Defiance,' which is pretty good and on Sunday morning we walked around Thetis, where it rained on us for a bit but it was warm and beautiful. I got some great shots, which are posted on this blog.
I hardly ran last week, it was a very tiresome week as I just couldnt sleep. I think Thursday night I was in bed before nine and just crashed. The girls ran Sunday morning a
t 7:30am but I Just couldnt bring myself to get up that early, especially after sleeping on the couch. So I just got back from a run on the Galloping Goose. I only meant to run 10k but the next thing I knew, I was at Vic General Hospital...so I turned around and headed back to my car. I decided not to run my hill tonight, it was brutal on my back last week. So I ran a fairly decent, if not slow, 13km tonight. Shannon is on holidays tomorrow, she will be in Ontario visiting her family for the next week, so it will just be Jan and I this week.
Friday, June 19, 2009

I baked cookies for Georgia and Paige last night after my run. Today is Paige's last day of school so I will take them to her as a celebration treat in a bit. Sean is in Nanaimo tonight visiting friends, but he will come to Victoria tomorrow afternoon. I'm volunteering at the Gordon Head fair tomorrow morning, I hope it doesnt rain. I also hope they dont give me the job of face-painting. I cannot do that!
I talked to Janice last night and we're planning a long run on Sunday. We've decided to run the Galloping Goose again because I think her and Shannon run too much on the concrete and they need to run more paths. It's easier on your body. So that is the plan, I'm so glad its the weekend! I have to run, clean my house and then I can relax. I'm looking forward to Sean's visit, although it will be very short.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Yesterday was hot, another gorgeous day in Victoria. I came home determined to do my promised long run. I wasn't sure if the girls had run in the morning and if they hadnt, whether they actually would in the evening. So I made a guess that they wouldnt and I really wanted to go, so I did. Good thing too, when I talked to Janice later, she confessed her and Shannon bailed.
I left just before 7 and it was still hot out, but the route I picked was really shaded, it was perfect. I ran down my ridiculous hill and towards Colwood and the Galloping Goose trail. I love the crunch of gravel under my feet when I run, its a good rhythm. I ran just past Thetis lake before turning around to start back home. It was a good run, I had a great pace and I only stopped a couple of times for no more than 30 seconds (cramps). I ran with water, it doesnt bother me but I did struggle with cramps this time. There were quite a few bikers on the trail, but they were polite (for once) and didnt try to run me over or skim by me. I have a serious issue with biker attitudes towards runners. They are very arrogant and think they own the road, even with vehicles! I have been almost run over by a biker, I've been skimmed by a biker (not clipped but close enough that I could have been seriously hurt as I cant hear them approaching) and I've been snotted on by a passing biker. Yes, bastards the lot of them! Anyway, so I ran 12k and passed some sweet peas, flowers I havent seen in a few years. I remembered their location because I am determined to go back and pick some. At the end of my run, at the bottom of my stupid hill, I usually stop the clock and walk up as part of my cool-down. Well, I hesitated and looked up my hill to see a bunch of boot camp girls hoofin it up the hill. I thought, "if they can do it, so can I." So I gave it a go. I made it almost half way up my hill when I had to stop. Hey, I had run 11.5k by this point! I think its great though, last time I never even made it to the first street lamp! I stretched a bit and then walked the rest of the way up. I'm hoping next time I will make it to the half way mark. I don't feel any pain from the run last night (or the hill), but then I didnt expect too. I did have a very terrible sleep last night. I feel like a zombie today. Stupid nightmares.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Here for your entertainment

I'm afraid I never did participate in the 1km race on Saturday. I didn't run at all that day. Instead, I spent 3 hours putting together a microwave stand. It was easy to see that the directions had been created by men...they were just pictures. Luckily, everything was labelled according to the steps an the pictures weren't that hard to understand (IKEA could learn a thing or two from Canadian Tire). Anyway, I'm very proud that I put it together properly and that it actually does hold up my microwave. I went to a bbq at my cousins house later that night, for a well deserved glass of wine, and my uncle lectured me for not bringing the microwave stand to the house, where he and my cousin would have put it together for me. Yes, true, but I'm so proud of myself. My parents would best understand how terrible I am at assembling things. I have actually never assembled anything on my own. Even Jyo once chased me away from her nightstand because I was trying to help her assemble it and I ended up causing some major damage...
We were supposed to run 10k on Sun and none of us did. Shannon and Janice
went golfing with the boys and I read a book in the sun (and slightly burned my right shoulder). So we will be going tonight to make up for it.

Jyo, her fiance Harj and her parents were in Victoria last night and we all went to dinner on the Harbour at the Wharfside eatery. We walked around the parliament buildings as Jyo's mom has never done that before and we took her inside the Empress as well. It was bloody cold out. Anwyay, Jyo is in town because today she graduates from Law School. Congrats Jyo!
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Just another mountain

I've ran twice since Sunday, both just leisurely 5km runs. I discovered that my nikeplus needs to be calibrated. It's clocking me at 1km more than the run actually is. This is actually not a good thing. I knew the Elk/Beaver lake run was not 12kms! So I've been trying to calibrate the sport band (I forgot to when I got my new shoes), but for some reason it's not letting me, which is frustrating.
I'm taking today off running and I skipped lacrosse last night because I hadn't spent an evening at home in over a week and I had things to do. Phone calls to make, emails to answer and a mountain of laundry (see, another mountain). Anyway, I got it all done. I am planning an 8k run tomorrow night and on Saturday I joined a Nike online competition to see who can run the fastest 1km. I dont know why I joined because I won't win, but I do like to challenge myself.
Our weather is still really good. It's been 22-24 degrees all week, which is perfect for me. I ran during lunch at work this week, but no one joined me. The bosses are all in Ottawa for the next week, for the CAUBO conference, so I will be running alone next week too. That's ok though, I dont mind.
The new version of the Nike Sports Band has been released. I saw it and it looks exactly the same as the old one, however I'm rather pissed that Nike is dragging its heels on informing current recalled nike band owners how to replace their old sport bands. Mine works just fine but I want the new one!
That's all for now, cheers.
Monday, June 08, 2009
Elk/Beaver Lake

Shannon and I were trying out our new water bottles, which attach to your hand when you run and you don’t have to worry about dropping it. We really need to learn to run with water because it’s necessary for the longer runs, especially in hot weather. Shannon said running with the water sloshing around really irritated her but I had no problems with mine. I almost forgot about it in my hand, and when I did remember it, I liked the rhythm of the water sloshing around in it. I took small sips throughout the run and had no problem with cramps.
The run was long, longer than anticipated. I’ve done the run several times and it is always approx 10k, but for some reason we clocked 12k. The run went really well for me, I wasn’t exhausted at the end of it nor was I winded. My calves hurt a bit and I felt like I was getting a splint in my left leg but today I’m fine. In fact, I felt like I could have kept going. This is probable because I ran at a slower pace than usual, which is good for me to do on the longer runs (at least until I get better). Janice had a tough go of it as her knee started to bug her around 5k but she’s a trooper and she ran through it. Shannon appeared to do great, although she said she was feeling some pain. However, at the end of it she said she was rethinking the half marathon. I think they both did terrific and I hope they want to run the lakes again next Sunday. I might be running alone…
For those of you who are not aware, Janice, Shannon and I have registered for the half marathon (21k) that takes place October 11th, 2009 in Victoria, BC. Yes, that is the day before Thanksgiving. It was Janice who talked me into it but I was the first of us gals to register. I’m nervous about it but I’m also confident that I can do it. That is why we are running together as often as we can, we are in training. We are also trying to motivate one another to keep up with our runs. It will be hard over the summer when the weather is hot and the beaches are calling. Not to mention keeping up with our runs when we are all on our respected holidays. However, I know we can do it. Four months and counting!
Tuesday, June 02, 2009
27 degree run

I have to share my dream with you guys because it was so weird! I dreamed that I ran into Lance, Emma and Nicholas (Australian friends) at the airport. I have no idea why the

Sunday, May 31, 2009
Lower Thetis Lake
This morning Janice, Shannon and I ran 8km along the Galloping Goose Trail, which is a trail that runs all over Victoria and out to Sooke. Some parts of it are paved, most are not, so it makes for a good running trail. We started at 9 and already it was smokin but there were some shaded parts and it was a good run. The last km was a long hill and we decided to push it and we all did really well. The best part? My runners are fantastic!
Friday, May 29, 2009
New Runners

I like Peninsula Runners but they are a bit overpriced. The girl was pissed I wasn’t buying the shoes on the spot but I wasn’t going on my first whim, I like to research things first and think them over. And, to be honest, I wanted to see where else had the shoes cheaper. If she wasn’t such a bitch on discovering I wasn’t going to earn her a commission on the spot, I might have gone back to purchase them from her. But she walked away from me without a word and ignored me after that. Whatever. So I found out that Sportcheck has the shoes for $10 cheaper ($150) plus they offer air miles (I’m all about the air miles). Then my friend Randi pointed out that I should check the air miles website to see if they have a coupon special. She is so smart, I found a 3x the air miles (when a min $120 is spent), so after work today I’m getting my new shoes! I’m so excited. I’m hoping to get in a short run before I meet friends for dinner. I hope they don’t give me a lot of problems, I have a hard time breaking shoes in so no doubt in the next couple of blogs you will hear me complaining of shin splints or blisters, etc.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Champagne Birthday
Well, it is May 27 and I am 27 years old. Like most (I assume), I am not where I thought I would be at this age. When I was a little girl, I always thought I would graduate at 24, marry at 25 and have kids at 27. Well, I got the graduation part down.
But I can’t be totally bummed…
I’ve travelled across Europe, the UK, Australia and I’ve been to Hawaii, Las Vegas, Disneyland, Fiji, and New Zealand.
I’ve attended great concerts such as Celine Dion (x2), Aerosmith, Shania Twain, Cher and Van Morrison.
I’ve seen great entertainment such as Stars on Ice in Vancouver, CATS in London and Cirque du Soleil KA in Las Vegas.
I’ve gotten to experience the most amazing things, such as learning to scuba dive, snorkeling in the Great Barrier Reef, sand boarding, river tubing and mud baths in Fiji, castle tours in Europe, and a bridge climb in Sydney. I've toured a concentration camp in Germany, been to the top of the Eiffel Tower, visited the catacombs and Coliseum in Rome, saw the David, lit a candle in Notre Dame, saw Buckingham Palace and viewed the Vatican. I’ve seen the real Mona Lisa in the famous Louvre museum, I’ve wrestled goats and I’ve driven 4WD (standard/ wrong-side) on the worst road conditions on the largest sand island in the world. I’ve held a koala, swam in one of the most remote lakes in the world, learned to surf and wakeboard, held a baby crocodile, python, cockatoo and lizard. I’ve participated in a real kava ceremony in a village in Fiji, I’ve drank Guinness in Ireland, I’ve travelled the Great Ocean Road, I touched a 500lb fish, swam with a sea turtle, I've sailed to Whitehaven Beach and I managed to experience all of this with the best of my friends and family!
I’m a pretty lucky girl. Maybe I should be worried because my bucket list is almost complete! I only have a couple of things left on it…such as getting married, having babies, owning a pair of Jimmy Choos and going to New York. Gosh life is fun!
If today is your birthday: A positive realization is dawning on you. This year, you'll discover a way to seize the advantage, terminate some long-standing problems and get yourself on the road to success.
But I can’t be totally bummed…
I’ve travelled across Europe, the UK, Australia and I’ve been to Hawaii, Las Vegas, Disneyland, Fiji, and New Zealand.
I’ve attended great concerts such as Celine Dion (x2), Aerosmith, Shania Twain, Cher and Van Morrison.
I’ve seen great entertainment such as Stars on Ice in Vancouver, CATS in London and Cirque du Soleil KA in Las Vegas.
I’ve gotten to experience the most amazing things, such as learning to scuba dive, snorkeling in the Great Barrier Reef, sand boarding, river tubing and mud baths in Fiji, castle tours in Europe, and a bridge climb in Sydney. I've toured a concentration camp in Germany, been to the top of the Eiffel Tower, visited the catacombs and Coliseum in Rome, saw the David, lit a candle in Notre Dame, saw Buckingham Palace and viewed the Vatican. I’ve seen the real Mona Lisa in the famous Louvre museum, I’ve wrestled goats and I’ve driven 4WD (standard/ wrong-side) on the worst road conditions on the largest sand island in the world. I’ve held a koala, swam in one of the most remote lakes in the world, learned to surf and wakeboard, held a baby crocodile, python, cockatoo and lizard. I’ve participated in a real kava ceremony in a village in Fiji, I’ve drank Guinness in Ireland, I’ve travelled the Great Ocean Road, I touched a 500lb fish, swam with a sea turtle, I've sailed to Whitehaven Beach and I managed to experience all of this with the best of my friends and family!
I’m a pretty lucky girl. Maybe I should be worried because my bucket list is almost complete! I only have a couple of things left on it…such as getting married, having babies, owning a pair of Jimmy Choos and going to New York. Gosh life is fun!
If today is your birthday: A positive realization is dawning on you. This year, you'll discover a way to seize the advantage, terminate some long-standing problems and get yourself on the road to success.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
The time is right...to run

To begin with, I will give you a little history about my running experience. I have always enjoyed running. I was part of track and field and cross-country in elementary school, where I ranked the highest at my school among the girls and the boys of my age. In high school, my devotion to figure skating made it impossible for me to join any track team; however I ‘jogged’ for 30 mins, 4 days a week. I did this off and on for many years, until my early twenties when I quit running altogether.
This all changed the summer of 2008. I returned to Canada in July from spending the previous 5 months livi

I did it properly this time. I invested in a (very expensive) pair of shoes, which any runner will tell is the MOST important thing about running. [picture: My NIKE zoom vomero 3 runners]NIKE had just recently released a run

Fortunately, I stuck with it and after 4 months of running (combined with healthier eating habits), I shed the acquired weight. What a difference. Tracking my progress really helped as I watched myself go from a 7:20min/km pace to where I currently run at a 5:40min/km pace. It’s a huge improvement and I’m very proud of myself.
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