Yesterday was hot, another gorgeous day in Victoria. I came home determined to do my promised long run. I wasn't sure if the girls had run in the morning and if they hadnt, whether they actually would in the evening. So I made a guess that they wouldnt and I really wanted to go, so I did. Good thing too, when I talked to Janice later, she confessed her and Shannon bailed.
I left just before 7 and it was still hot out, but the route I picked was really shaded, it was perfect. I ran down my ridiculous hill and towards Colwood and the Galloping Goose trail. I love the crunch of gravel under my feet when I run, its a good rhythm. I ran just past Thetis lake before turning around to start back home. It was a good run, I had a great pace and I only stopped a couple of times for no more than 30 seconds (cramps). I ran with water, it doesnt bother me but I did struggle with cramps this time. There were quite a few bikers on the trail, but they were polite (for once) and didnt try to run me over or skim by me. I have a serious issue with biker attitudes towards runners. They are very arrogant and think they own the road, even with vehicles! I have been almost run over by a biker, I've been skimmed by a biker (not clipped but close enough that I could have been seriously hurt as I cant hear them approaching) and I've been snotted on by a passing biker. Yes, bastards the lot of them! Anyway, so I ran 12k and passed some sweet peas, flowers I havent seen in a few years. I remembered their location because I am determined to go back and pick some. At the end of my run, at the bottom of my stupid hill, I usually stop the clock and walk up as part of my cool-down. Well, I hesitated and looked up my hill to see a bunch of boot camp girls hoofin it up the hill. I thought, "if they can do it, so can I." So I gave it a go. I made it almost half way up my hill when I had to stop. Hey, I had run 11.5k by this point! I think its great though, last time I never even made it to the first street lamp! I stretched a bit and then walked the rest of the way up. I'm hoping next time I will make it to the half way mark. I don't feel any pain from the run last night (or the hill), but then I didnt expect too. I did have a very terrible sleep last night. I feel like a zombie today. Stupid nightmares.
Howdy, I did post a new blog! I can't believe that someone blew snot on you...
I know! It was so gross
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