I'm afraid I never did participate in the 1km race on Saturday. I didn't run at all that day. Instead, I spent 3 hours putting together a microwave stand. It was easy to see that the directions had been created by men...they were just pictures. Luckily, everything was labelled according to the steps an the pictures weren't that hard to understand (IKEA could learn a thing or two from Canadian Tire). Anyway, I'm very proud that I put it together properly and that it actually does hold up my microwave. I went to a bbq at my cousins house later that night, for a well deserved glass of wine, and my uncle lectured me for not bringing the microwave stand to the house, where he and my cousin would have put it together for me. Yes, true, but I'm so proud of myself. My parents would best understand how terrible I am at assembling things. I have actually never assembled anything on my own. Even Jyo once chased me away from her nightstand because I was trying to help her assemble it and I ended up causing some major damage...
We were supposed to run 10k on Sun and none of us did. Shannon and Janice
went golfing with the boys and I read a book in the sun (and slightly burned my right shoulder). So we will be going tonight to make up for it.

Jyo, her fiance Harj and her parents were in Victoria last night and we all went to dinner on the Harbour at the Wharfside eatery. We walked around the parliament buildings as Jyo's mom has never done that before and we took her inside the Empress as well. It was bloody cold out. Anwyay, Jyo is in town because today she graduates from Law School. Congrats Jyo!
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