The time has come for me to buy new runners. I ran at lunch with Pete yesterday and my feet were so sore at the end of the run. I recently read in running magazine the tests you should apply to your shoes to check how they are holding up. My shoes failed ever test. The general rule is that you should replace your shoes every 500km. These shoes have 400km of running and who knows how much of walking on them. They are trashed. So I’ve been researching some new shoes. I asked some friends what they run in, some people get really devoted to a brand but I'm open to trying a new shoe. Pete and Janice love Asics and my friend Matt loves Saucony and Misunos. I went to Penninsula Runners last night and tried on a bunch of different shoes. I tried the Mizunos and hated them on the spot, they didnt fit well with my feet. Apparently I have a slight pronation (meaning my ankles turn in slightly when I run), so

I need a shoe with a bit more support. I love the Nike Voomeros but they just don’t have the support I need. So I’ve decided to go with the Asic 2140’s (refer to picture). They are new on the market and they have great support and gel cushioning and they are the lightest shoe I have ever worn. This is good for me because I actually hate wearing shoes. As pretty as they are, if I could spend every day barefoot…I would. That’s why I love summer so much.
I like Peninsula Runners but they are a bit overpriced. The girl was pissed I wasn’t buying the shoes on the spot but I wasn’t going on my first whim, I like to research things first and think them over. And, to be honest, I wanted to see where else had the shoes cheaper. If she wasn’t such a bitch on discovering I wasn’t going to earn her a commission on the spot, I might have gone back to purchase them from her. But she walked away from me without a word and ignored me after that. Whatever. So I found out that Sportcheck has the shoes for $10 cheaper ($150) plus they offer air miles (I’m all about the air miles). Then my friend Randi pointed out that I should check the air miles website to see if they have a coupon special. She is so smart, I found a 3x the air miles (when a min $120 is spent), so after work today I’m getting my new shoes! I’m so excited. I’m hoping to get in a short run before I meet friends for dinner. I hope they don’t give me a lot of problems, I have a hard time breaking shoes in so no doubt in the next couple of blogs you will hear me complaining of shin splints or blisters, etc.
Good call on thinking about the shoes first, pays to shop around. Peninsula Runners are waay overpriced.
I like the picture you posted. Nice scenery.
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