A friend of mine recently posted a note on facebook about her regrets of University life. I'd love to say that I have no regrets but I do. I wish I'd had more of a social life instead of working my ass off all the time. And I dont just mean at school, I always had a job on the side so that I could afford to go to school. Of course, the good thing is that I am completely debt free. I have to give a shout out to my family for all of their assistance as well. I maybe have paid for all of my schooling on my own but they were more than generous in making sure I had a place to live and food to eat.
I will miss my friends, sleeping in the sun on the field between classes and the discussion classes but I won't miss term papers, and all nighters pulled to get research done or last minute editing. I always got sick on my holidays because the semester wore me out so I'm hoping I'll actually be healthy and able have fun this Christmas!

I wasn't looking forward to the ceremony but it ended up being real nice. It was a lot more elaborate than my graduation from High School (duh), man that was terrible! But the set up was great, with everyone in their colours. I think graduating in the fall was a blessing. We had a small grad class and no long speeches-it was over in an hour.

My parents flew down for a few days and my grandparents also came down for the occasion. I got some wonderful grad presents but the best part was that I got to spend so much time with my family. They were all proud of me and it made me feel good, like I did something right. The weather was cool but it didn't rain so we got some pictures outside. Unfortunately I was up late playing Halo (I'm so addicted) with Pete the night before so I only got 4 hours sleep. Its cruel to make an anti-morning person graduate before noon! However it's done and now I move on to the next chapter of my life-Australia!
Wow, "abs diet", I didn't know you were asking about strange things like that on websites.
Congrats on graduating and wrapping things up. As per your request I did post a new post. Also, were you playing Halo 3? If so, I am jealous and you suck, I don't have any friends here with a 360.
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