We lucked out this year as the weather was perfect-it was a full moon, no rain and warm for late October. Jamie seemed a bit apprehensive on our first tour of the maze and town and she refused to go in the haunted house. After we'd seen it all though, she decided it was 'all good,' and we ended up going through the haunted house twice and we spent over an hour in the corn maze chasing each other and getting lost. It was a lot of fun. Of course, something like that builds up an appetite so afterwards we sat on hay blocks eating chocol
ate bars.
Before we had left the house, we decorated it with witches and spider webs but we needed leaves to fill up our pumpkin bags and there were none on her street, they had all been picked up. So we went to my neighborhood where the leaves had been raked into huge piles and were just waiting for pick-up. *I should note that in Victoria everyone is required to rake their leaves and pile them by the street so that a vehicle that I've nicknamed the 'leave sucker upper' can come and collect them. We have a lot of Garry Oak trees here and their leaves do not decompose and rather than have a mess of rotting leaves, the city picks them up. Anyway, so Jamie and I found the largest pile on
the block and started to fill our pumpkins. Of course, we decided to have fun taking silly pictures and then we jumped in the leaves. I honestly think the last time I dove into a pile of leaves was back in 'ol PG with my brother...that was a long time ago. It was a blast and we ended up back in my car with bits of leaves in our hair and smelling like nature. Our decorations look great though.
Upon returning home, Jamie still had a ton of energy (rightfully)so I thought maybe we could make up a dance routine to the classic "Thriller" by MJ. I had introduced Jamie to the song earlier in the week and she loved it. So we spent a good 30 mins making up a dance routine-its hilarious. I even put in some classic MJ moves from the video, ah the 80's! Her parents drove up about 30 seconds after I finally got her in bed but they weren't surprised at all to find us giggling in her bed. And I wonder why they dont let me baby-sit her more often...just kidding! Jamie and I had a blast together, we always do. *this picture on the right is my favourite!
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