Thursday July 29, 2010
I flew to Vancouver in the evening and Jenny and her boyfriend picked me up from the airport and t
ook me to Richmond to have dinner at Goo. We ate SO much sushi, it was fantastic. Jenny and I were so consumed with the food that we completely forgot about our connecting flight! ha, thank goodness Jon was on top of things. We unfortunately flew on a shitty Dash 8, which creaks, shakes and makes you feel like you can drop out of the sky any second. Thankfully we arrived safe in sound in Penticton just after 11pm and we were expecting Neil to pick us up (Jyoti's oldest brother), but Suhkdeep greeted me with a huge hug. She has spent the last 3 months in S.Africa working on her Masters for her World Health studies. Her sister Nav was waiting in the car for us, we stayed at their place. These girls are just lovely, they are such great people. Anyway, they took us to the house where Jyoti was trying to dry out her Mehndi. There were two huge tents in the backyard, tons of family members, music and drinks. Neil asked me if I wanted to play beer pong, but I politely refused. We were all exhausted. We quickly tried on our saris (perfect fit) and then headed to Suhk and Nav's house to get some sleep (I only got 4 hours).
Friday, July 30, 2010
Suhk made us breakfast and then we all headed to Jyoti's house around 11am. I forgot how hot it gets in the Okanagan. Because Jyo only lives 10mins from the girls, we decided to walk and we literally melted on our way over. I actually tanned! There was a ceremony (I f
orget what it was called) where we rubbed a yellow paste on Jyoti to cleanse her. Her mother stood behind her with her hands on her head and ladies of the family took turns holding a blanket above Jyo's head and it had coconuts or something in it. We all got a turn at 'cleansing' Jyo. It was pretty entertaining. Afterwards Jyo got cleaned up and the rest of us got our Mehndi done. It only took 10 mins but has to dry for at least 3 hours. I only got the tops of my hands done, it was pretty cool. Then us ladies (we nicknamed ourselves 'Jyoti's posse/entourage) took Jyo to get her hair done and then we went back to the house to get ready for the engagement party at the Penticton Temple. We had to cover our legs and heads, so we got all dressed up. Jenny lent me a dress and we all had shawls to cover our heads. I've never been in a temple before and really its like a huge living room with carpet and a runner down the middle leading to the, well I will call it an alter. A man (priest?) chants and you walk up to the alter, donate some money into the box, bow by kneeling to the floor and then sit on the left hand side (men sit on the right). It's not as strict as a regular church because you can speak and move around while the prayers are going on. It was rather long as Harji's family was late, but afterwards there was some really good food. I love Indian food. Jyoti's family was in charge of the food and they did an excellent job.
After the temple, we went back to Jyoti's family home and there was another ceremony where her maternal uncles put bangles on her wrists after dipping them in water and milk. They are gorgeous red and gold bangles and she had to sleep in them, she isnt supposed to take them off until after the wedding. Then there was dancing! This was really fun and we all took turns dancing in the middle. We all had to get up early the next day for the ceremony, so we didnt stay too late. Luckily, I slept real good that night (poor Jenny didnt).
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Wedding day! I was up at 6am and Suhk drove me to Jyoti's house at 7am. Jy
o was getting her hair and makeup done (I had done my hair and makeup at the house and Jenny put fake eyelashes on me). I quickly got dressed and then Preet (the other bridesmaid) and I put on our jewellery and bindis (jewellery on our forehead) and put them on the little flower girls (there were 4). We helped Jyoti get dressed and then I made sure we all had our flowers. Jyoti's family escorted her out of the house to the limo (of course we were late leaving Penticton). It was just the wedding party in the limo (Me, Preet, Jyo, the flower girls and Jyoti's cousin Tasha). We were all so tired, so it was a mostly quiet ride to Kelowna. The flower girls were hilarious because they were in car seats, but whenever the limo stopped, the car seats would all slide foward and crash the girls into one another. We freaked out, grabbing them and pulling them upright, but they thought it was so much fun! They were giggling like crazy and we eventually gave up and just let them have fun. Preet fell asleep on my shoulder.
We got to the Kelowna Temple at maybe...9:30am? My parents were the first people I saw when we stepped out of the limo. I hugged them quickly and then we rushed Jyoti up to a private room and then I came back down to get her food and water. I managed to chat with my parents a little bit and introduce them around and get some pictures. Then I was back in the room and the rest of our posse showed up soon after.
We got to the Kelowna Temple at maybe...9:30am? My parents were the first people I saw when we stepped out of the limo. I hugged them quickly and then we rushed Jyoti up to a private room and then I came back down to get her food and water. I managed to chat with my parents a little bit and introduce them around and get some pictures. Then I was back in the room and the rest of our posse showed up soon after.
Harji and his family showed up and us girls all blocked them from entering the temple with red ribbon. We wouldn't let them in until they gave money to the flower girls (they got $20/each).
Jyoti was so calm before the ceremony, it was amazing. She looked stunning, all in red and gold with gorgeous jewellery and her gown was breathtaking. Plus it was heavy and she wore it ALL day. She wasn't nervous but I was! I totally had butterflies in my stomach right before the ceremony, which Jyo thought was pretty funny.
The ceremony was long but very interesting. I didnt understand a word of it but Jyo and Harj had to circle t
he alter 4 times, Jyoti following Harj and being escorted by a male member of her family at each corner. After 4x, they were officially married. Then everyone in the temple lined up behind them and gifted them with money. It was a loong line but after it was done, there was more delicious food! I stole a couple of mins to say goodbye to my parents. I feel bad that I never got to really visit with them and that they had to head home, but a maid of honour's duty is never ending. I had to make sure Jyoti's money was safely given to her mom and then I had to make sure her and Harj got to eat. Preet was with me and we were the last to eat, I'm sure of it. There were some traditional games after the food and then lots of pictures with people before Jyo, Harj and I piled into vehicles with member of his family and we left everyone behind at the temple on our way to Vancouver to meet Harji's family. We did stop at a park to get pictures done. It was beautiful and Jyo and Harj looked radiant.
I must admit I'm not a great traveller and I slept for most of the trip. It was the lack of sleep, excitement and good food and I literally passed out. I rode in a vehicle with Harji's sister in law Anita (super nice) beside me, Jyoti and Harji in front of me and Gupreet and Makesh up front driving. Gupreet was a great driver, she got us to Surrey in 3.5 hours. Then there were more traditions as Harji's family greeted them and fed them sweets and welcomed them into the house were more prayers were given and money and then dancing and food. I'
ll admit that at this point I was just going through the motions. I was a zombie I was so tired. I have no idea how Jyoti managed it all, she's amazing. We headed to downtown Vancouver around 10pm and there were fireworks that night so the streets were utter chaos. We dropped Jyo and Harj off at their hotel and then Gupreet and Makesh dropped me off at my brother's apartment in Yaletown around 11:30pm.
Sean was great, he was still up and he had my bed ready along with some soup and a bun. It was delicious. We chatted for a bit but then I literally passed out I was so tired. I slept on an air mattress and come morning there was no air left in it (I swear it was revenge on Sean's part, hee hee).
Sean was great, he was still up and he had my bed ready along with some soup and a bun. It was delicious. We chatted for a bit but then I literally passed out I was so tired. I slept on an air mattress and come morning there was no air left in it (I swear it was revenge on Sean's part, hee hee).
Sunday August 1, 2010
Sean took me out for a really good breakfast at Cafe Medina and then I did my nails and Sean drove me to my
hair appointment (he was pretty much my chauffer) and then we went to the reception. Jyoti was getting her hair and makeup done and then off for more pictures with his family, so I didn't want to interfere in any of that. Sean came with me to the reception where we met up wit
h the rest of the entourage. The hall was decorated beautifully and Jyoti and Harji's guest book was filled with gorgeous pre-wedding photos of them together, they turned out really well, I had to write on almost every page of the book! We had a great table near the front and Jyo and Harj entered after about an hour to the Black Eyed Peas song "Tonight's gonna be a good night." They looked fabulous. I was the first one to make a speech. I was so friggin nervous I couldnt eat and thankfully the bar opened before I went up. Sean got me a triple vodka something as they werent serving wine. It did the trick. I
don't remember anything about my speech, I always forget them as soon as they are done. But I got lots of compliments on it, which was nice. There was a wicked dinner and then dancing for the rest of the night. Oh my goodness dancing and everyone dances! There wasn't anyone who didnt hit the dance floor at some point. It was all Indian music but towards the night they played 2 english songs, one which Neil requested, (Snoop Dog) and one I requested for the bride (Temperature by Sean Paul...her favourite!). It was a lot of fun and I got some good pictures. Poor Jyo never got to eat anything and I pretty much dragged her out of the hall for some fresh air and made her eat fruit and drink some water. The night never ended until 3am, but I didnt want to leave until I saw them get safely into their limo. It was an insane weekend but def the best wedding I have ever been to.
Sean took me out for a really good breakfast at Cafe Medina and then I did my nails and Sean drove me to my
Congratulations Harj and Jyoti!
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