Monday, November 08, 2010
Missing you always
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Journal Entries of a TIC (teaching in training)

I am currently attending University in a post-degree program to become a secondary school teacher. Along the way, I am discovering things about others, and myself that really reflect on this profession.
Today’s topic: Students with learning disabilities.
We (myself and my peers in the program) are all taking the same courses, obviously. On Thursday during lunch break, 5 of us sat together and began discussing which classes we liked, which ones we did not, homework, etc. Sounds like normal stuff right? Wrong. We eventually began discussing a class that is teaching us how to educate students with learning disabilities as well as gifted students. This is a brand new course, never put in the curriculum before. Considering more students than ever are displaying learning disabilities (physical and mental), this is an important topic to consider. Future teachers need to be made aware and educated on how best to deal with student with disabilities.
I won’t get into too much detail, but one of the things we recently learned is that many students with disabilities never get the help they need because they are put on waiting lists for resources because funds are limited. Teachers are responsible for not only recognizing a students’ needs, but also in assisting them to make sure their needs are met. It can be very overwhelming as a teacher can be responsible for up to 30 students per class, for a potential of more than 100 students in a day. The trick is finding a balance between assisting those who are considered average learners and those who are not, in order to give equal assistance to all. We were discussing how to make sure everyone’s needs are getting met when one of my peers said something that really disturbed me.
This did not sit well with me.
I was immediately ashamed for this person that they were coming into this profession with that kind of thinking. If you don’t plan on giving equal opportunities to everyone and you are not prepared to work hard to make sure everyone succeeds, then why would you become a teacher? No one has ever said that it’s going to be easy. It’s hard work and it’s a struggle, like any other job. But I believe it is THE MOST rewarding job a person can have. That being said, you are responsible for assisting students’ educational development and you should only have their best interests at heart.
We kind of let the conversation drop because it could have gotten very heated, but I can’t get it out of my mind. I can’t help but think, what if that were my kid? What if my kid was struggling in school and a teacher decided to “overlook” their learning difficulties because it was easier on them? It’s just awful; it makes me feel sick inside. I would be so furious with that teacher, who chose selfishness over my child’s right to learn. As a teacher, I believe you have to approach each student as if they are YOUR child. You want each one to succeed and get there as easily as possible. They aren’t yours biologically, but why would that matter? They are all there to learn and you are there to guide them and help them in everyway that you can.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Michael Buble!

Friday, August 06, 2010
Jyoti's Wedding
We got to the Kelowna Temple at maybe...9:30am? My parents were the first people I saw when we stepped out of the limo. I hugged them quickly and then we rushed Jyoti up to a private room and then I came back down to get her food and water. I managed to chat with my parents a little bit and introduce them around and get some pictures. Then I was back in the room and the rest of our posse showed up soon after.
Sean was great, he was still up and he had my bed ready along with some soup and a bun. It was delicious. We chatted for a bit but then I literally passed out I was so tired. I slept on an air mattress and come morning there was no air left in it (I swear it was revenge on Sean's part, hee hee).
Sean took me out for a really good breakfast at Cafe Medina and then I did my nails and Sean drove me to my
Thursday, July 29, 2010
As Time Passes...
One of the guys at work today admitted that he and another co-worker used to make fun of me behind my back when I first returned from Australia because I picked up slang and accent. I really didnt think I had, so this surprised me. They would msn back and forth whenever I said an "Australian" word like "ye" or "I reckon." Little creeps! Actually, I find it amusing. I had no idea I picked up stuff that was noticeable. I certainly didnt keep it long but it is fascinating how you pick up other languages from being around them.
My Grandpa had to have surgery on his heart, we had quite the scare. He is just fine and recovery nicely now but it wasn't a pleasant couple of days. Thank goodness my grandmother is so strong and was able to cope with it all. She's a trooper. My parents were also there to help out, which was really great. They are on holidays this week, enjoying wineries, boating and visiting with friends in peachland. I think this is their first kidless summer holiday. Wow.
Friday, July 23, 2010
Jyoti's Bachelorette

Tuesday, July 06, 2010
Shoes, shoes, shoes

Yes, I've got a second job at a shoe store. Hilarious, I know, yes I can see the irony. However, I love it. I get a discount, I work with nice people, there is no stress and I love the social aspect of the job. I'm good at it too (shocker). The hard part is being on my feet for 4-6 hours. I'm not used to it and I have to soak my feet in cool water when I get home because they are so sore. However did I serve 8-12 hours shifts? I must have been used to it or I was just younger and adjusted better.Sean thinks I will get used to this in another week ortow, I hope he's right. At the moment, I work 3 shifts/week but I've asked for more hours.
I'm no longer on the cleanse but I am taking the Candida Stop pills everyday. Sometimes I take 2/day, sometimes I take 3/day but it's improved my skin and my headaches and I'm also sleeping again without any troubles. I don't restrict my eating but I don't go nuts either. I have an egg white omlette everyday for breakfast, I have a salad with protein for lunch and I eat plain yogurt everyday. I eat veggies and meat for dinner and I NEVER eat pasta. I haven't had pasta since March and I'm fine with it. I am trying to control how much carbs I eat, some days are better than others but it's definitely what my body does not like. I am almost out of HIT and I truly believe the yogurt is the best substitute for it. Plain yogurt has the natural, much-needed good bacteria for your body. I'm still consume sugars (yes, I'm aware they are a carb), but again, all in moderation.
Jyoti's stagette is coming up in Vancouver on the 17th. I've arranged everything and paid the deposits and everyone is coming. I'd get excited if I wasn't so stressed. It's a lot of responsibility. Her bridal shower is the following day, hosted by Amina and myself. I hope Jyo has fun, that's the only thing that matters. The wedding is at the end of the month.
I'm adding Ryley's blog address on the right side of this page. She is Sean's girlfriend, who is currently modeling in Tokyo and it sounds like a great experience. Her blog is interesting and she's a sweetie.
Oh yeah, I've also updated my blog layout. I hope you all like it, I think it's refreshing (and I love the books)!
Thursday, May 13, 2010
May Days
I started running on Sat, I just went out and ran 10k. It was not difficult and I went at a reasonable pace. I ran another 5k on Sunday but took Monday off as I wasn't sleeping well. I ran 10k Tues and last night, at the suggestion of my friend Matt, I joined a group at the Running Room. I am not great at being consistent, so maybe the group will motivate me. I ran with the leader of the 10k training group. She runs at 5'30 while I run at 6'00 but as it was only a 4k run, I pushed myself to run her speed and it was fine. We even had a conversation while we ran and I was fine. So I think this will be good for me. I also learned a new route, which is a really pretty trail run. I am planning to go every Wednesday and Jan and Lindsay want to join me, so it will be fun if we can keep consistent.
I recieved some very good news yesterday. I was offered admission into the Uvic BEd PDPP (Bachelor of Education Post-Degree Professional Program (secondary)). I am very happy and relieved because I've wanted this for so long! I had my interview a couple of weeks ago and I did not think it went well, I was very nervous. But I made it and I head back to school full-time in Sept for 15months. By Christmas 2011, I will be a certified high school teacher. Wahoo! I told my mom before anyone else because she, more than anyone, has been my support towards this goal. Thank you mama!
Friday, April 30, 2010
School is done! I'm looking forward to this summer, lots of fun stuff coming up. Janice and I are going to try and go for a run tonight...I'm not really holding out hope that will materialize. We are excited because in two weeks we will be in Vancouver for a girls weekend with Meg! We decided last night that we would both take a half work day on the Friday so we can catch the 2pm ferry and start the fun early! I'm really excited! I get to meet Sean's girlfriend that weekend too, which will be nice.
I am in Vernon for the May long weekend again this year. I think I spend every May Long there. I hope its hot, I could really use a tan and I'd love to lie out in the sun.
It's my parents 30th anniversary this It feels like I just threw them their surprise 25th wedding anniversary party, hard to believe its been 30 years! Wait, that makes me...never mind. My birthday will be celebrated this year, just not sure how yet. Maybe some ziplining with friends?
I have friends coming down this weekend from Nanaimo. I'm excited because i've known them for over 10years and we only see each other twice a year at the most. Her girls are amazing and beautiful and I love spending time with them. Its hard to see them as teenagers when I used to baby-sit them when they were toddlers! Again I'm aging myself.
Jyo's wedding will be the big event this summer and I'm currently planning her stagette. I've never been to one before, let alone plan one, but I'm going to make sure she has a great time!
The weather here in Vic needs to warm up. The sun is great but the breeze is still really cool and I really want some hot weather that warrants drinking mararitas on a patio somewhere. Here's hoping it warms up soon.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
And so it continues...
Thankfully Riley helps keep me distracted. He came limping home Saturday morning and his poor leg was swollen to 4x its size. I immediately took him to the vet hospital (9am Sat morning...) but they couldn't find any wound and figured that his shoulder received trauma of some kind. They gave him a shot of antibiotics and sent us home with antibiotics as well. Riley pretty much slept for 96 hours straight! He could get on the couch, but he couldnt get off, so I was picking him up (gently) and putting him down. He was in so much pain. The first day he didnt even want me to sit next to him. By Sunday afternoon he came and sat on me and on Monday he was running around and only limping a little bit. I let him out last night as his leg was back to normal size. I am still going to pump antibiotics into him for the next couple of days. I have lots of pills but I am going to save some for the next owie he gets, maybe save myself a vet bill. Randi told me to look into pet insurance and with's not a bad idea!
Friday, April 16, 2010
Last Day!
-no more troubles sleeping
-improved energy
-I'm always happy/positive
-no more headaches
-no more numb hands/feet
-good skin
-things taste different (better)
-clear thoughts (no more 'fuzzy' confusion)
-my concentration has improved (no more ADD ;) )
Thanks to my mom for recommending this cleanse to me (and for being so supportive) and thanks to dad for trying to torture me by emailing me whenever he was making cookies! lol
Monday, April 12, 2010
Week #4-day 24
My grandmother sent me a care package (she rocks) and included was a bag of pancake her to pieces! That will be my first breakfast off the cleanse! yummy, I've craved pancakes this entire time. I would rather eat them than cake!
I'm really glad I did this cleanse and I would recommend it to anyone.
Thursday, April 08, 2010
Day 20
Monday, April 05, 2010
Week #3/Easter
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Day 12
There were 2 cakes at work yesterday and I didnt even want them. I pretty much never eat cake anymore at work, we have them so often and its unecessary calories. Even before this cleanse I refused cake. I don't know what I'm going to do about my birthday, especially if I try to stick to the 5 sugar free days a week...
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Week #1-Complete
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Day 4
I have never seen my fridge so full of food! Yogurt (plain), pellegrino and every veggie you can think of. It's crazy. I find my food very plain but then I discovered I can eat salsa. I eat it with my eggs (way better than ketchup) and with the meatballs I had last night. I love yams, they beat potatos any day! They are like a hidden treasure. Unfortunately, I get full a lot faster on this stuff and last night I couldnt even eat my yam and it was only 1/4 portion. Lunch is my favourite meal of the day because I make a gigantic salad of romain, spinach, and lots of different veggies including avocado and for a dressing I use freshly squeezed lemon juice. I usually put canned chicken, salmon or tuna on the salad-heaps! I bought 5oz cans of V8 (reduced sodium) and I usually hate V8 but at this size it was easy to chug. I eat almonds, pickles or celery with peanut butter on them as a snack and things are good. Dinner is usually chicken or pork chops with a portion of yam and lots of steamed veggies (broccoli, beans, mushrooms, carrots, etc).
I had cravings for cheese buns and cookies the first 3 days but none today. I drink so much water, 8-10 glasses a day and the biggest pain so far is that I have to pee every 10mins, its ridiculous! But oh well, it will be worth it in the end.
Monday, March 22, 2010
A different kind of run
When I got home later that night, I called Jan to tell her and she freaked out because Colin said it was a 20 year old female (BS as the age has not been identified as anything but 'young'). She told me that from now on when I run, I should text them before and after. It sounds rather extreme to me and uneccessary as I always run in the day and there are plenty of people around. However, for the next little bit I will run closer to home.
I looked up the news online late last night and the papers are eager to call it a 'homicide.' I dont know if that is truth and the policeman didn't want to freak me out or if they are just assuming it. It was a young women's body but nothing more has been said.
This afternoon I went on facebook and noticed a Victoria friend of mine had joined a club about a missing girl. The date caught my eye because it was within the time period. I clicked on the link for more information and an 18 year old girl from Colwood has been missing since the 18th. I feel completely sick about it and I really, truly hope the body is not this girl. I guess in the end its someone's daughter or friend or sister. I hope they find whoever did it so the family can have some closure. I know a few girls through friends who are missing right now, it's so very sad.
*Update: The missing girl has been identified as the one I mentioned above. I removed her name so that I would not offend anyone. My deepest condolences to her family and friends.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Eliminating the sugar bug
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Vancouver Weekend #2

Another fun weekend in Vancouver! I took the 1pm ferry on Saturday and my nice brother came and picked me up. The weather wasn't great-it rained all weekend, but that's ok. Sean lives in Gastown, not far from the Olympic Torch and so I made him take my picture in front of it. The fence is really tacky but Sean said it used to be on the street but after complains they moved it closer to the flame.
Sean and I met up with Jyo and Harj in Surrey and some of Harj's cousins had dinner with us. It was fun and the Canucks won the hockey game-bonus. Afterwards Sean, Jyo, Harj and I went to a hotel beside Jyo's apartment and visited with Harj's best friend whose fiance works for the Paralympics. They had a nice room and we chatted until about 3am. Of course the boys were hungry so we took them to McDonalds. I absolutely hate that we lost an hour with the time change, so we didn't get to bed until after 4am.
On Sunday I went with Jyo to her hair and makeup consultation, as she is getting married at the end of July. She liked her hair but didn't like the makeup so she will go back for another consultation with a much more natural look. I think she looked gorgeous but she hardly wears any makeup and wanted to keep it norm. Jyo's parents arrived in town and us ladies went fabric shopping and we looked at Saris for me (for the reception). We didn't find one but we did find material for the bridesmaid saris. It's a really pretty gold. Jyo's wedding dress is amazing, she is going to look fantastic. We went to her aunt's house for yummy Indian food and I got to visit with her aunts, cousins and grandma. I have known her grandma as long as I have known Jyo, she is so sweet and 92 years old although she looks 70. We had a good time and Jyo's youngest brother Rajeev came back with me on the 9pm ferry. I dropped him off and got home around midnight. Another late night (I feel old) but totally worth it.
I'm glad we got so much wedding stuff done and Jyo answered my bazillion questions so I feel like I know what is going on now. I also got to meet the majority of the wedding party. There are 300 people coming from as far away as India and Australia, so I'm really excited.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Vancouver Weekend #1
But Meg and I had a great time. We did so much shopping (I’m scared to get my VISA bill) but I finally got some new jeans and a coat. The weather on Saturday was gorgeous, so we walked from her house to Granville Island and wandered around. Then we took a ferry (see pic) to Yaletown and shopped around and then had drinks on the roof of the Keg. We went out for dinner later that night and we did more shopping on Sunday. It was a lot of fun and so nice to get out of Victoria for a weekend and I got to see the remains of all the Olympic celebration sites. Meg is now on her way to Portugal for a friend’s wedding, so I’m trying not to be jealous. Meg’s husband Mike (a pilot for Air Canada) was out of town all weekend, so we had the house to ourselves. They haven’t lived in it very long and they are renovating it bit by bit but it’s a very nice condo and they’ve done a great job with it so far. I absolutely loved my room, it was bright and the bed was super comfy.
It sucked to come home, but I plan on going back to Vancouver next weekend to see Jyo, so there will be another fun weekend. I went for a run yesterday afternoon and about halfway through it started to hail. It was very cold, so I’m not surprised. By the time I got back to my car, my hands were blocks of ice. By the time I got back to my house, the hail had turned into giant snowflakes! They didn’t stay but it was very odd weather. I can’t help but remember that it snowed on Jamie’s birthday last year (as I was leading groups of girls on a scavenger hunt outside for her birthday party), but it was much worse then, as the snow actually stayed. I remember I had to put 2 dozen 9 year-old girls’ socks in the dryer once we went back inside for cake. Of course no one thought to dress for snow! Anyway, it was a fun weekend and I hope to visit her again soon. In fact, Janice and I are planning to go to Vancouver to visit Meg one weekend in May, so that will be a crazy fun time.
Friday, March 05, 2010
Starting over yet again
I had my first run in a long time on Sunday. I only ran 3k and I was breathing heavy. Pretty disappointing. I ran again on Wednesday, which was a horrible run filled with cramps. I figured that I was starting off too fast. My pace was 5'30 and that is ridiculous for a beginner! So I slowed down to 6'00 and that was difficult too. I couldn't find a steady pace. One second I was running 6'40, the next 5'30, but finally I managed to get into a good 6'00 pace. And it was a good run. I'm almost up to running 5k, hopefully this weekend I can manage it. By the end of next week, I should be fine running 5k. I'm not too worried about my pace right now, I just need to get comfortable running again. The pace will improve eventually.
This weekend I am going to Vancouver to spend the weekend with my cousin and great friend Megan. She's been running her whole life and can hold a conversation with you while she runs a marathon-she's that good! Anyway, she's promised to do a short run with me this weekend and we will probably meet up with Sean at some point. I really need to get out of Victoria for the weekend, it is so boring in this city, no one ever wants to do anything but stay at home. I'll try to remember to take pictures and then maybe post a blog about our weekend. Her husband is out of town, so we may get a little crazy!
Tuesday, March 02, 2010
Monday, February 08, 2010
This be the verse
They may not mean to, but they do.
They fill you with the faults they had
And add some extra, just for you
But they were fucked up in their turn
By fools in old-style hats and coats,
Who half the time were soppy-stern
And half at one another's throats.
Man hands on misery to man.
It deepends like a coastal shelf.
Get out as early as you can,
And don't have any kids yourself.
Philip Larkin (1971)