The game started at 5:20pm last night but unfortunately I had to work until 3:30pm. I got home after 4 and found the boys all dressed up. Damien, Jason and Rodney had put on dress shirts and looked pretty damn fine. I had to rush to get ready, so by the time we got to the stadium it was 5:30 but we really didnt miss much, the rugby stadium is located beside Centennial Park, which is like Sydney's Central Park. We had 'blue blood' tickets and we were in the 3rd row in the middle of the field. Awesome seats. Locals all around us provided the most interesting commentary.

I must say rugby is much more entertaining to watch than football (sorry Pete). They throw their players in the air, they kick, throw, jump, wrestle, dive-its wicked. The game doesnt stop every two seconds, its only an hour long (intermission half way through) and there is so much action, its great! The players actually dont wear much protection other than mouth guard and they really smash into each other! They also have no necks, these men are all shoulders-they're HUGE. The squirmishes are wicked to watch, they all plowing for the ball. We were right in the action, balls were flying in our direction the entire game. I kept ducking and one poor unsuspecting woman was hit in the chest from one rugby ball, ouch! The kids are into the game as much as their parents, with one little guy behind me yelling, "What were you thinking mate!" It was so cute and he made everyone laugh.The teams were the Sydney Waratah's (a flower) vs. the Lions and the Waratah's won 26-3. My favourite player was #11 because he wore bright orange shoes (looked like crocs) and he was massive! I dared Neil to run at him but Neil refused, said the guy would rip his head off. Yup, I think he would-he was very intimidating and I immediately nicknamed him 'Predator." Just look at the pic (first one) and tell me the name doesnt suit him.

It was a warm night but unfortunately it poured rain on us. I was the only one who came prepared, I had a plastic rain poncho. Ironically, I bought the poncho for Fiji! Anyway, the boys thought it was genius and rushed off to buy themselves one. The locals around us all pulled our raingear, they are used to this. I must say the rain in Sydney is so odd, more like a mist and then pours and then mist, then pours. It didnt take away from the game a bit, still enjoyed every second. We got on TV, the 6 of us, and we grinned and waved from beneath our plastic covers at the Telestra cameras.
It was a warm night but unfortunately it poured rain on us. I was the only one who came prepared, I had a plastic rain poncho. Ironically, I bought the poncho for Fiji! Anyway, the boys thought it was genius and rushed off to buy themselves one. The locals around us all pulled our raingear, they are used to this. I must say the rain in Sydney is so odd, more like a mist and then pours and then mist, then pours. It didnt take away from the game a bit, still enjoyed every second. We got on TV, the 6 of us, and we grinned and waved from beneath our plastic covers at the Telestra cameras.
After the game Cass and I headed home to change and shower and on the bus we met some American guys who laughed at our plastic raincoats. We took it well and then found out they shouldn't be laughing at anyone. Idiots, Chicago and New Jersey man (dont know their names) bought tickets to a football game, got drunk by 11am in preparation and then went to the stadium to discover they bought tickets for a game in Melbourne! I almost fell off my seat I was laughing so hard! So they went to the Aquarium instead (drunk). Oh gosh, the people you meet and the stories you hear. It was a great night though and everyone had fun.
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