My first picture is one of my favourites, although I think all of them are good. I love how the crocuses crowded around the decapitated tree.
I love taking pictures of trees, they have so much character in the way that they have grown, their twisted shapes, symmetry, b
ark, leaves, everything about them. I couldnt resist this shot because its almost a silhouette and its lovely.

The golf course is not very big, it only takes an hour to walk it. I started running again today and it only took me 30 mins to run the entire course (I am a slow runner but a fast walker). The course is always busy with runners and people walking their dogs. But the trail is good to run on because it is always covered with wood chips (I think they are our recycled Christmas trees) to make for a good surface to run on (not hard). Its funny actually because its almost spongey and when my roomie and I go for walks we like to pretend we are bouncing along the trail. Yes, we are weird but weird people
always have fun. There is one thing you must know about me...I love taking pictures of roads/trails. I have a huge framed picture on my wall of the raod to my grandparents old house in the country. They sold the house long ago but I still have memories of the place and I love that they gave me the photo when I moved out on my own. I have always been captivated by roads because you never know what is at the end of them. I call these pictures "the road of life." I believe I have already posted a picture of a trail from another walk on this site, but it was in the summer and this is in the spring. I will have to try and remember to re-take this picture once the leaves are out.

One thing there are a lot of at this golf course is ducks. Well, ducks and geese but mostly ducks. Now, I really can't stand birds. All the flapping wings and feathers gross me out. I am not a bird person but I will admit that they are pretty. At one point on the path there are so ma
ny that I have to watch that I don't step on them because they don't watch for you and they don't feel they should have to move. Once when Jyo and I went for a walk there were these kids feeding the ducks and so they were clustered all around and then the kids thought it would be funny to chase the birds. Not good. About 400 ducks took flight directly at Jyo and I...well I screamed and bolted out of there. Brrr, the sound of wings flapping near my head freaks me out! Of course, everyone thought I was a freak! I dont care, as long as none of them touched me. This malla
rd seemed more than happy to pose for me.

Here is a
picture of the golf course (I really must find out what it's called). There weren't many golfers that day, although I am not sure because it was so nice out, and it was Sunday. I also have another picture of a tree. I like how it is right in the path and you have to duck your head to get under it. Its a gnarly old tree and I love how the moss is taking over it.

I would love to post more pictures but I have so many and I don't have high speed internet (yeah I know but the roomie refused to pay more). So maybe when I am at school next time I will download some more photos. I hope you enjoyed them!
1 comment:
Good to see you running again! The golf course is called Cedar Hill Golf Course. Maybe we'll pass each other one day.
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