Well, we are well into fall and I love it. Thinking back over the years fall really
has always been my favourite season. September always brought the excitment of school starting, for I am one of those annoying people who really love school.
October brings Thanksgiving (turkey and pumpkin pie!) as well as Hallowe'en.
I love the crisp smell fall has, yet the breeze is still warm. The colours are the best part-orange, red, yellow and light green in flashes. I like to kick leaves when I walk and when I was a kid I loved to jump into piles of leaves!
I guess I really love the change that fall brings...usually I hate change but fall eases you into change so that you embrace it. I like to think I change for the better every fall....but I couldnt really tell you if that was true or not. I did dye my hair a dark brown-wash out of course. But this is what my natural colour is...when it eventually grows out.

So I am settled into the grind of school-5 classes that I love (3 History, 1 English literature and one Japanese lit class) and boy do they keep me busy. I have no midterms and only 3 finals but essays every week! I work twice a week and play indoor soccer Wednesday nights and attend Pilates on Thursdays. I have joined the History club and we have a pub crawl coming up soon...I have my own personal reasons for attending, especially since it is on a Wednesday night!
I long ago settled into my new ground floor suite with my roomie, and best friend of 17 years, Jyoti. We get along quite well as it seems we are both freaks (is consumption contagious??) heh heh, and we both love food more than we should admit. Our place is small and cozy and the picture shows just how crazy everything was on moving day-what a mess! I apologize that the pictures are not of good quality-I think I need to tinker with my camera.

I do miss the company of Pete and Kristi and without Jamie's hugs and laughter some days are a bit lonely. But I have Riley and he is very happy and we have a good routine here. I have included a picture of Riley helping me study.

I take Jamie to school Wednesday mornings (the only morning I dont have class or work) and I go to her dance and swim lessons every Saturday morning (which leaves Sunday as my only sleep-in day). I don't complain though because really-the busier I am the happier.
I had a pleasant surprise a few weeks ago when my Uncle Darren and his wife Chrystal showed up for a visit. We had a very nice evening of walking down by the harbour and an enjoyable dinner with a view of the parliament buildings. It was so good to see them again as we get along so well and my uncle and I have a history of good timse. After all, I lived with him for 3 years and the stories we could tell you! It was nice to see how happy he and Chrystal are together and I couldnt be happier for them.
Well, I dont really have much else to say...I really only wrote in here because it has been so long and I keep getting harassed (in a good way) by Wayne. Are you happy now Wayne? I hope so because knowing me I might not write in here again for 3 months!
Anyway, I hope everyone else is enjoying fall as much as I am, I will write again...when I write!
1 comment:
Hey Sam, to use an understatement, you look lovely. But I must say that Riley is the cutest one in this post, sorry. Victoria just makes you so happy.
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