I have to say that I am really just a big kid when it comes to holidays. I love Hallowe'en and when I was a kid Hallowe'en was always a big deal to us. I remember my dad taking us to pick out pumpkins and we would buy 4 or 5 and spend a night carving them up. On Hallowe'en we used to set them up around the backyard and then have a bonfire-it was really cool.
Last Saturday I went to my friend Laura's place to help her decorate. We then headed to Galey's farm where they had a haunted house and a corn maze. The haunted mansion was really well done and I screamed my lungs out (after telling my friends I "wasn't a screamer"). To be honest we all screamed except Clay, cause he's a guy I guess. Afterwards we went in the corn maze which totally freaked me out because its dark and reaches way above you and you can hear it rustling...the momvie signs kept creeping into my mind and I just grabbed onto Courtney and walked with her through the maze. In the middle of the maze was another haunted town and it was so neat how they had it set up, looking like a ghost town.

Laura and I went to her house afterward to get ready for a house party. We were dressing up (in the spirit people, in the spirit) and she was going as Marilyn Monroe and I went as Audrey Hepburn from "Breakfast in Tiffany's." We were old style Hollywood! Clay was a zombie and did his make-up well. The house party sucked so we took off and went to Plan B, a popular club. There were some really great costumes and as usual some really shitty ones. I am so sick of girls taking the opportunity to dress slutty...its really getting old and where is your sense of pride?? I saw way to many nurses and schoolgirls, it was gross. Some of the best costumes I saw was a guy dressed as lego, another as Where's Waldo and the best was a group of people who went as the Kokanee commercial-you know with the mountie and saskwatch and Kokanee girls?? It was really well done. The Saskwatch was even carrying a case of Kokanee, which was a nice touch.
So tomorrow is Halloween and then the countdown to Christmas begins...I am already excited for that! I am taking Jamie trick or treating tomorrow night and then Laura, Jyo and I are going to drive to Sydney because apparently they have a very scary haunted house there-the best on the island. I'm already excited because I love to be scared.
I hope everyone has a Happy Hallowe'en!