Okay! Classes have ended and I am almost home free. Almost. The last day of my Greek History class, my professor brought in wine for everyone. That was the first Greek History class I enjoyed!! I have had one final so far and it was a piece of cake. Call me a freak but I love finals. Its my chance to prove how much I have learned and I work well under pressure. I have three more, wish me luck.
The picture above represents the peace and relief I feel inside that my classes are done. I worked my ass of this semester and I will (hopefully) never take 5 classes in one semester again! It's demanding!
www.urbandictionary.com and their #8 description of what school is: an inhumane experiment where the governments tries to throw as many people as possible together in the same building and f-with them without getting sued for it.

Donde esta la biblioteca? Okay, now that summer is almost here I am happy but also cautious. I buy too many books. No, I buy an absurd amount of books. It was great back in the day when I had time to read them but now I am now a full summer behind my reading list which includes: Diary of Ann Frank, 4 Canadian History books, Dune:Chapterhouse, Harlequin by Bernard Cornwell (he's fantastic-wrote the excalibur series about King Arthur)plus others. I blame the summertime because my favourite thing to do in Calgary was to visit a Chapters...at any time of the day. Late in the evening was the best because it was quiet and gorgeous outside. I would browse for an hour or two and then hit the bargain section hard. I have bought many bargain books because they looked interesting and they were cheap! I dream of owning a library one day and filling it with books. I know its rather corny, but I dream of having a library like the one in Beauty and the Beast. Do you remember the look of joy on Belle's face when she saw that place? I do because I had the same one. I still dream of that library. Now, living where I do, the only Chapters is downtown and a pain in the ass to get too. This may help curb my book buying fetish but we'll see. I will probably just make up for it by buying more shoes or purses...love purses.

Ha ha ha. I had to include this picture becaues it makes me smile everytime I see it. This is Kristi, Jamie and my mom at the breakwater. Its a walkway that goes out into the ocean and is very enjoyable to walk on a nice evening. As you can see, it was a bit windy that day. We had to hang onto Jamie because we were afraid she would blow away!
Question #2: What would be your dream job?
My answer: Marine Biologist or Historian
That's all for today, buenos tardes mis amigos.
1 comment:
Hey Sam, yeah that feeling of release after you have written your last final can't be compared to anything else. Esp. when you have worked your hardest and given so much of yourself to your studies, the more you invest the more of an invested interest you have in the outcome. But I am happiest when I am in school learning about the world around me, I hated my summers between 1st and 2nd year since I was doing some random physical job for money. Ever since then I have done scientific research.
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