Okay, so I have 3 more essays to write in 2 and a half weeks...no problem! Never mind the fact that they are history papers with mandatory 10-15 pages, the hours of research I have done and will continue to do-plus library time! (believe it or not, there is a difference between them!)
Okay, panic attack time!
Its not that I don't love history-I truly do! But it is a lot of work and I just wish I had more time to get it all done. I'm not ignorant-I know there are other students in the same position as I am....its just feels better to complain about it. And believe it or not....I like writing essays! I guess I'm pursuing the right profession then.
Its not that I don't love history-I truly do! But it is a lot of work and I just wish I had more time to get it all done. I'm not ignorant-I know there are other students in the same position as I am....its just feels better to complain about it. And believe it or not....I like writing essays! I guess I'm pursuing the right profession then.
Ma petite soeur is turning six tomorrow and I find it amazing at how much she has grown in the past months. Her reading has improved dramatically and she loves hanging out with me (flattering to be sure). Being around her makes me smile and I'm very thankful to have her in my life.
The featured picture above is an aerial shot of my school, the University of Victoria. The circle that surrounds it is very distinctive and is famously known as "ring road." Its a one-way road that leads you to any and every part of campus. The amount of bunnies boggle the mind and its amazing how fast you get used to stepping around them. Spring is here and already little babies bunnies can be seen whipping through the bushes. They are so fast!
My mom will be here in two weeks and I cannot wait! I hope the weather stays nice for her because I plan on taking her everywhere!
Fact:"Canada is the world's second largest country with an area of 9,970,610 km² (3,851,809 sq. mi.).
My favourite song right now is "Afterglow," by INXS and I can't get it out of my head! I love JD Fortune's voice and I replay it on my nano over and over and over again.
I wish there was full moon tonight. I always think better when I have the moon watching over me. Its mysteriousness just captures me.
Okay, my favourite game to play is called "The Question Game," (I made it up) and there are practically no rules to this game. You can ask any silly question and really get to know a lot about your friends. Please participate by posting your answers on my comment page. Today's question....What do you wish you had invented?
(I would have to say zippers because they are so handy)
I guess that is all for tonight. Buenos noches mis amigos. Ciao
Hi Love, I am impressed with this blog thing. I sure don't have the time for one, but very interesting to read. I am drooling over your blossoms already, but we will not be far behind now, only 15 days till we are in the sunny south. Good luck with your essays and such and hope you are done before required time and don't get stressed out!!! Love you, Grandma
I wish I had invented the Universe and all things in it. If that answer is not permitted (like choosing fossils for animals), then I would have to say that I wish I invented the Internet. Nothing has changed our world and how we exchange information more so than the internet.
This is neat. I will have to say I wish I had invented chocolate bars! It would be satisfying as well as rewarding. Two weeks today and we will be doing the "girl thing". Get your papers done so we can have fun. Love Mom.
Very cool kid, very cool.
If only I could invent a wish-bone that could replace the back-bone..... back to work, dad out.
I wish that we had flowers blooming here :(
You had a lot of essays! I couldn't do it...keep up the good work!
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