David H. Turpin, President
Office of the President
University of Victoria
Administrative Services Building
Office of the President
University of Victoria
Administrative Services Building
Room A220
3800 Finnerty Road (Ring Road)
Victoria BC V8P 5C2
Dear Mr. Turpin,
This letter is to express my concern about the health risk present at the University of Victoria (Uvic) through the harmful inhalation of second hand smoke. A current Uvic student myself, I believe the University of Victoria should consider becoming a smoke-free campus.
Students, employees and employers present at Uvic should not be exposed to cancer-causing substances. According to Canadian Cancer Statistics, “an estimated 171, 000 new cases of cancer and 75, 300 deaths from cancer will occur in Canada in 2009.” It is my belief that students have the right to pursue their education in a smoke-free environment and employees and employers have the right to attend to their jobs without having to worry about the health risks of second-hand smoke.
If Uvic took the initiative to become a smoke-free campus, it would also support those students’ who want to quit and have always struggled with it. I would suggest that Uvic first initiate a smoking cessation program on campus. This program could assist those who do smoke with quitting and help them, and others, warm up to the idea that Uvic will no longer support their habit.
I believe a lot more people would choose to enroll at the University of Victoria if it were a smoke-free campus. I know I would prefer it if the remainder of my educational experience at Uvic was without the disturbance of cigarette smoke. For my health, yours and the health of others, please take my suggestion into consideration.
Samantha Wood, BA
3800 Finnerty Road (Ring Road)
Victoria BC V8P 5C2
Dear Mr. Turpin,
This letter is to express my concern about the health risk present at the University of Victoria (Uvic) through the harmful inhalation of second hand smoke. A current Uvic student myself, I believe the University of Victoria should consider becoming a smoke-free campus.
Students, employees and employers present at Uvic should not be exposed to cancer-causing substances. According to Canadian Cancer Statistics, “an estimated 171, 000 new cases of cancer and 75, 300 deaths from cancer will occur in Canada in 2009.” It is my belief that students have the right to pursue their education in a smoke-free environment and employees and employers have the right to attend to their jobs without having to worry about the health risks of second-hand smoke.
If Uvic took the initiative to become a smoke-free campus, it would also support those students’ who want to quit and have always struggled with it. I would suggest that Uvic first initiate a smoking cessation program on campus. This program could assist those who do smoke with quitting and help them, and others, warm up to the idea that Uvic will no longer support their habit.
I believe a lot more people would choose to enroll at the University of Victoria if it were a smoke-free campus. I know I would prefer it if the remainder of my educational experience at Uvic was without the disturbance of cigarette smoke. For my health, yours and the health of others, please take my suggestion into consideration.
Samantha Wood, BA