I am so busy and I love it! I am crazy with homework and I’m slightly behind at work. I came in on Saturday for a few hours of catch-up. I spent the entire weekend at home, other than those few hours at work. I baked cookies and muffins, but other than that, it was homework, homework, homework. Oh yeah, and running!
For the first time in almost two weeks I went for a run Sat night just before nine. It was the perfect temp and I decided to shoot for 6km. I ended up running 7km and I maintained a really excellent pace. I wasn’t winded or sore and the next day I felt fine. I guess taking two weeks off didn’t really affect me. I have learned that when I’m not in the mood to run-then I don’t. It’s just not worth it because in the end it will be a shitty run. Your heart has to be in it. I ran again Sunday night around 8pm (after finishing an essay that took me most of the day to create). I ran 9km and my pace was 5:47, which is fairly decent for me. I’m trying to stay under 6mins and I’m slowly but surely getting there. I actually run a 4:47 pace for all but two km’s, but I stopped at one point, so that kills the overall time.
The most interesting part of my weekend was the at-home-surgery I performed on my po

or cat. Riley got into a fight Saturday morning and by Sunday it was obvious he had an abscess because his forehead was beginning to swell. I felt bad but I just couldn’t afford a huge vet bill. So I opened the abscess myself (gross, but manageable) and disinfected it the best I could. Riley was extremely patient, he didn’t move a muscle but he did cry a few times, my poor babe. Anyway, I kept re-opening it throughout the day and he looked much better by Sunday evening. However, my maternal instincts were in panic mode and when I came home sick on Monday afternoon, he was acting lethargic. I panicked and took him to the vet, who said he was lucky the abscess had opened on its own (like hell I would admit I did it-I’m sure there is a ‘kitty abuse ministry’ out there somewhere). Anyway, she gave him antibiotics and we escaped surgery. I really should have held on, he would have been fine otherwise but it’s a small price to pay for relief. I slept well last night. I’m not sure Riley did, they partly shaved his head to clean the wound and he looks so funny, I can’t help but laugh at him. Can they not at least to attempt to shave him evenly? One part comes down over the eye, looks so funny. Needless to say he won’t leave the house for a few days.
*There is a $1,000 (return) seat sale to Sydney right now so I've included a picture of the Sydney Opera House and Bridge (as viewed from the Royal Botanical Gardens).