It was so great to see Kristin again, it was like we had just saw each other the day before-nothing had changed. Kristin has the cutest pixie cut and it suits her really well (as you can see from the pictures). Her friends Kim and Michelle were nice enough to pick me up from the airport and Kim drove us everywhere on the weekend-thank you Kim!
We went to West Ed the Fri night and met up with some friends of theirs from Ft. Mac, Jeff, Jerry and ...forget his name. ha ha, but they were nice and we did some shopping afterward. then we went to the hotel and got ready and went to a bar called Cook County. Man, I was in Alberta again. I forgot how cute cowboys can be. We danced and drank and Kristin rode the mechanical bull-she rocked! We had a lot of fun but it was 4am before we got home and we wanted to get up early to go shopping the next day.
Goddamn, windy and cold Edmonton. We nearly got blown away in the parking lot of the West Edmonton Mall, there were twisters! It was sooo cold there, it was awful. Luckily the mall was just as I remembered it. Oh, except they have a seal show instead of a dol
phin show...I didnt ask what happened to the dolphins. I didnt buy anything (I'm broke) but I did try to find some new shoes as mine blew out while I was there. I didnt find any.
After the mall we headed back to the hotel and played some drinking games (Kristin introduced me to Boone...a whole bottle!) and then got ready to go to Celine. We dressed up, to a point where we wouldnt freeze, it did snow when we were getting ready-and off we went to Celine! The traffic was insane but Kim let Kris and I jump out as we had FLOOR seats (Kristin-you kick ass)! After paying $8 for a shot of wine, we found our seats and got our cameras ready (Kim and Michelle had seats elsewhere).
The next day I flew home but I have new friends, great memories and I had an amazing time with an amazing friend. Kristin is a sweetheart, luv you girl, thanks for a great weekend!