I know, I know, long time no write but I've been very busy-seriously! I leave for Australia in 3 weeks. Eeee, I'm very excited but also a little nervous because there is still so much to do. So far today I've spent 3.5 hours gutting my apartment. The result? A huge garbage bag full of crap, a huge bag of recycling and a very clean and nice smelling apartment. I'm still doing laundry...load #5 (which is huge for me). I dont want to list what else I have to do today because I'm not sure it will all get done.
So 3 weeks and I will be in Fiji. I've signed up for a fiji experience which is a tour group that takes you around the main island of Viti Levu (see pic). For 5 days I will get to spend a day in each major city and enjoy tourist attractions, like visiting local villages, hiking in a rainforest, participating in a traditional ceremony, floating down a river on a bamboo raft, etc. I'll post pics and details after the trip. I'm very excited because never in my life did I think I'd make it to Fiji. To me it always seemed like this fantasy tropical island that was unreachable. Hey, I was a small town girl once. Anyway, the temp is supposed to be very hot and I cannot wait to finally see beaches bluer than blue!

After my five days in Fiji I will continue on to Sydney where I will hope to find a job and a place to live in a reasonable amount of time. I applied for a tax number but I still have to sign up for a bank account. Apparently its pretty easy to get a job there but we'll see what kind of work I find. I'm excited to live in a different country and I cant wait to learn their customs, traditions, slang and favourite activities. Yes, I definately plan to learn to surf and snorkel, I've never done either.
I dont plan to spend all my time in Sydney, I also plan to visit Brisbane, Melbourne, Cairns and any other place I possibly can. I'd also like to stop over in New Zealand but I think everything will depend on my getting a job and place to live and of course (most importantly)-funds.
I'm planning on spending 4-5 months in Australia but it could end up being less or it could end up being more. Who knows but I'm not worried about it, what happens happens. I am going to stop over in Hawaii on my way home, I really want to see Pearl Harbour because I'm such a freak for history. Plus more hot beaches always sound good to me.
Lucky for me my parents have offered to take in my cat. This is huge as my dad really doesnt want me to go and Riley isnt really a fan of anyone who isnt me. All 3 of them will have a little adjusting to do but I think everything will be fine (I'm an optimist). My stuff will go into storage and the rest of my life in Canada will be put on hold until I return.