Okay, its been an eventful month! I always love the month of May....warm weather, no school and most importantly-my birthday! I can't believe I am turning 24 already. I think back to when I first moved to Calgary and everything that happened over the years.....I can't believe I am turning 24!
I took off to Vernon the first week of May. My grandparents just moved there and they have this wonderful spot on the lake and it was bloody hot while I was there! 33 degrees but trust me, four margaritas will cool you down fast! I spent four days in Vernon and then my grandparents drove me home (I flew down). I think I gained 10lbs while I was there, my grandmother cooked all my favourites for me-ribs, chicken, cheesecake, caesar salad, etc. It was great. The best thing of all was that my parents drove down to see me for one afternoon/evening! It was a surprise and I was so happy to see them, especially my dad because I hadn't seen him since Christmas. We had a really good visit. My grandparents stayed in Victoria for 4 days, visiting the family and travelling to Nanaimo, before heading back and taking my great grandfather with them (he lives here).
I have eased into the grind of full-time work and I am busy! I love being busy, but having deadlines puts a little stress on you. We just launched version 2.5 and I think everyone in the office is breathing a little easier now. We celebrated with cheesecake.
I got really good news last Sunday night. My best friend Jyoti (since grade 2) called me up and told me that she had decided to move to Victoria to take Law at Uvic. I am very proud of her for getting accepted (Uvic is one of the top two law schools in Canada) and super excited that she is moving here. We are going to be roomies (of course) and already I am busy looking for a place for us to live. Kristi is going to drive around with me tomorrow to help me look. I can't wait! It is rather funny that this is happening because when Jyo and I were about 10 years old, we used to sit in her room and talk about how we were going to go to Uvic and live together...14 yrs later -BAM! ha ha ha , its pretty cool, not everyone's dreams come true.
I met a cute guy....that is all I am saying right now because there is really nothing else to tell.

We have had great weather lately and I am already tan! Burnt my legs accidentally as they were the only part of me I forgot to re-apply sunscreen to in the afternoon...paying for it now-ouch!
It was so nice last Sunday afternoon that I hit the beach. I took some pictures of interesting things because Wayne always does and I want to copy him. Our pictures will be very different though...bet you dont have one of these Wayne!

Anyway....long time since I have wrote in here and now I have babbled on. I think I will go and put on a movie. Ciao.