Tonight I went to the hospital to visit my cousin Colin's wife, Janice, and their new baby girl Georgia. I love babies and we have waited for this one. Georgia was almost two weeks overdue and it wasn't easy labour for poor Janice. She did great though and both are healthy. Paige is their first daughter and has waited with great anticipation for the arrival of her new "baby sister." Georgia is a beautiful baby, two days old and she lacks the red, wrinkly, ugly look of most new borns. She is truly lovely, with dark hair, nice skin and tiny little fingers. She is just sweet. Of course I cannot wait until the day when I am blessed with a child of my own. I think children are special and unique and I have wanted them since I was 13 years old. I am quite good with kids and I get along better with them then most adults! I love how kids are honest and always make you smile. They're definately great. Of course not all people agree....(I think they are weird)! Georgia has been named after the father of all families-my great grandfather George C. He is truly a great man and we love him to pieces. George couldn't be named for a greater person. I don't yet have a picture of Georgia, but above is a picture of my other cousin Nicolas, who is 9 months old. Isn't he adorable?
On another note...essays are done! I feel so relieved and I have never written so much nor worked harder than I have this semester. Obviously I grossly underestimated the amount of work that would be required of me. I guess going to school, working, volunteering and spending quality time with my family is a bit overwhelming at times....but I love it!
My mom was here over the weekend and boy was I glad to see her! No matter how old I get, I will never not need my mom. She is always supportive, great to shop with, easy to talk too and she is just....a really great mom. I love her and miss her already...mom come back!
Anyway, I have to do some readings for tomorrow and work on a presentation. Salude mis amigos.